Thursday, December 19, 2019

My poem about Neil armstrong for day 2 activity 2 for the SLJ programme


  1. Hi Aden
    This is a great poem. I like how you have added an image of the moon.
    Keep up the great work

  2. Tena Koe Aden,

    Kueni here from the Summer Learning Journey, ka pai on an awesome blog post today! I think your google drawing is awesome and super creative, keep up the hard mahi.

    I really like your poem about how you would feel if you were Neil Armstrong landing on the moon for the very first time. I can’t even begin to imagine how it might’ve felt being the first person to land on the moon way back in 1969.

    If you were to take a trip to the moon, who would you take with you?

    Have a marvelous day,
    Kueni :)
